Bouquet charm, memorial charm, bouquet memorial charm, bride gift
Please note, the bouquet pictured is NOT included, it is only to show how the charms look.
The memorial charm in this listing is as shown in the pictures, it includes a piece of white ribbon to easily tie it around a bouquet. The charm has a permanent picture printed on metal and the heart with the quote “ you are always in my heart” is included. The blue Angel is included as well, it is the “something blue” for the bride.
The pictures are printed on metal and are permanently adhered to the charm, they do not peel off & are not affected by water.
Once you purchase, please send me a message on here or email to with the picture/s you’d like on the charm.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I ship out within 1-2 days. I’m shipping from Buena Park, California.